A General Guide to Glaucoma


Although glaucoma can affect people at any age, this illness is a leading cause of blindness for older adults aged sixty and beyond. According to the Mayo Clinic, glaucoma actually refers to a group of eye issues that damage a person’s optic nerve, which is an important indicator of good vision. Many forms of glaucoma don’t have warning signs and their effects are so gradual that an individual may not be able to notice a change in their vision until their eyesight has worsened and they need medical supplies for their condition.

As a dependable pharmacy in Warren, Michigan, we’d like to let you know that vision loss caused by glaucoma cannot be recovered. It is important, therefore, that you have comprehensive eye exams so that any problems with your eyesight can be detected at the earliest opportunity and treated appropriately. If glaucoma is recognized in its early stages, you can slow down or prevent total vision loss, although you will generally require treatment for your remaining years.

Persons with glaucoma will likely exhibit different symptoms of the disease, depending on what type of glaucoma they have and at what stage the condition already is. For instance, a patient with open-angle glaucoma may have patchy blind spots in their peripheral or central vision and tunnel vision in the advanced phases. On the other hand, those with acute angle-closure glaucoma will experience eye pain, severe headaches, blurred vision, eye redness, and nausea, among others.

Treatment is a must for people who have glaucoma. Otherwise, it will eventually cause blindness if left untreated. Warren Care Pharmacy recommends that you promptly visit an eye doctor should you experience the symptoms of acute angle-closure glaucoma since statistics have shown that around fifteen percent of glaucoma patients lose their eyesight in either or both eyes even with treatment.

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