Have you ever looked carefully at and read everything on the label of the prescription medication you picked up from the pharmacy?
Chances are, you haven’t. And that’s okay. Most patients probably glance at the drug name and directions but hardly notice anything else. you might be surprised at just how much information is contained on that little label if you took some time to check it out.
The easiest way to analyze the information printed on the label is to categorize them under 8 headings:
- Patient-related information. This includes your name, address, and other personal details.
- Drug-related information. Your label should hold the drug (1) name, (2) strength, and (3) quantity. Ex: “#30 tab Lisinopril 10mg”
- Direction-related information. This part should tell you how to use your medication.
- Doctor-related information. This should contain the complete name of your doctor.
- Pharmacy-related information. The pharmacy where you obtained the prescription, along with their contact information, should be on the prescription label.
As an institution that offers pharmaceutical services in Michigan, we put a lot of importance on information and giving our clients the proper instructions for careful medication.
If you are looking for a pharmacy in Warren, Michigan, we are certainly are the right place for you! Give us a call at 586-722-2842.
We also offer quality medical supplies that will last you a lifetime! Visit our site for more information on other services that we offer.
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